Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 7 BOC: Collage

For this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, I created a collage. The collage consists of pictures that I took at a cooking competition. The event was very fast-paced. I was on my toes every second, trying to capture each little moment that happened during the event. In total, I ended up taking over five hundred photos at the event. The chefs that were involved in this competition were constantly moving, so I was lucky to get some the shots that I had gotten. Some of the chefs were even nice enough to let me capture certain parts of their dishes before they had to move them. Which surprised me since they were a strict time limit given by the judges of the competition. I had an amazing time shooting this event, and I hope that I am able to shoot more food events such as this one.

I decided to use this chef in particular, because the ay he performed his cooking made me want to take more and more photos of him while he was cooking. I did not catch the name of the beautifully created dish, but I can tell you that it smelt and look just as delicious as it does in the picture. Sadly, I was not able to attain pictures of the vegetables besides the tomatoes that went into the final piece. Luckily, the three pictures of the tomatoes, chicken (I believe), and the noodles were able to create a clear understanding of how the final piece came to be.

I had the use of fluorescent lights and some natural light that came through windows located in the room. I was extremely happy about the lighting because I was to capture every single piece of food in great quality. I used a Canon 7d camera accompanied with a 35mm, 50mm, and a 100mm lens to take the pictures at this competition.

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