Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Week 11 BOC: Self-Portrait

For this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, I was assigned to take a self-portrait. Which is similar to the very first Weekly Photo Challenge, but this time with a brand new image showcasing myself in a “new light.” It was very interesting taking these photos, since this technique is still new to me. Though challenging, I feel as if the results for this photo came out very well. I would love to continue to use, and someday even learn to master this technique of lighting.

The technique that I used to make this picture is called Low-Key Lighting. It is a way of lighting that lets the photographer be able to make one side of the model vanishes into darkness. This affect can give off many different emotions, depending on the photographer’s vision for the shoot. So, since I find this technique very interesting, I decided to have a self-portrait of myself with the low-key lighting. I had he help of one of my fellow photography friends, who directed me in the poses that I should do during the shoot.

The lighting set up for this shot is very simple. It only takes one strobe light to get the affect of low-key lighting. It is best to have the light place directly the left of right of the subject or model. For this shoot, I had the light facing directly to the left of me. I angled my head slightly to the left and kept my body facing towards the camera, which was not too far from me. I had all of the lights except the strobe light turned off. This eliminated any chances of getting any weird lighting affects anywhere else in the photo. I also chose to wear darker clothing to make the affect of the low-key lighting pop even more.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 9 BOC: Nude Photography

For this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, I found this piece of art that was just fascinating to me at first glance. The artist is unknown to me, but whoever came up with idea of this piece is brilliant. The entire idea of the picture plays tricks on the mind and makes it hard to believe which part of the person is real or fake. But, apparently this is actually a photograph of someone and not a painting at all. So that makes it even harder to decide if this is really knocking off the gravel from her skin or not.

It took me a while to find an un-copyrighted picture actually. Most of the results that came up through Google contained wedding pictures. Through a website’s forums, a commenter suggested to another comment by searching this key word: coolartiste. Instantly, I searched Google with this key word and many great pieces of work pop up. Then adding the word “nude” after the key word, I was brought to a various amount of wonderful works just like the one above. But, as soon as my eyes came across this picture, I knew I had found my photo for this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge. The art itself is very mysterious and contains a hidden message behind it that I cannot decode myself. But, I clicked over to the website that this picture is located on and was introduced to many other great works just like the one above. I just love everything that went into the making of the picture of the sculpted women. The artist was able to get the detail just perfect on each part of her skin. Which I personally love the most, since I am someone likes to notice the little details that go into a work of art.